FREE Sample Of Formula 3D Build Plate Adhesive (Max 2 Per Household / Business)
Free sample of our ALL NEW Formula 3D Build Plate Adhesive
There are no further commitments required by you after recieving your FREE sample of FORMULA 3D, other than the possibility of us asking you for, or you submitting to us, an honest review of the product. We think it's one of the best 3D Print Bed Adhesives in the marketplace today and after testing it, we hope that you will agree.
Please be aware that we can only send two FREE Sachet sample per order per individual UK postal address unless we have made a prior email or telephone arrangement with you. Any order requests for more than two FREE Sachet samples will unfortunatly be void and therefore automatically cancelled.
Enjoy your FREE FORMULA 3D sample! and please feed back to us your user experience by email or using our 'live message service' seen at the bottom right hand corner of your screen